Nonprofit organizations need retirement plans too. Offering retirement benefits at your nonprofit can help you be competitive at attracting the best talent for your nonprofit organization. Most employers in the nonprofit sector provide retirement plans. Many different plans are available for your nonprofit, and our accredited team at Duncan Williams Asset Management can help you choose one that best fits your organization. A simple payroll deduction individual retirement account or employer contribution accounts such as a SEP IRA or SIMPLE IRA may be perfect for a smaller nonprofit. However, a defined contribution plan such as a 457(b) or 403(b) can offer higher maximum contribution limits and give more flexibility for employer contributions. These defined contribution plans for your nonprofit are similar to 401(k) plans provided by for-profit corporations.
Sometimes smaller nonprofits do not have retirement benefits because they see it as a cost they cannot afford. This attitude leaves the nonprofit’s employees out to save for retirement themselves. With the right financial advisors from Duncan Williams Asset Management, starting a retirement plan for your nonprofit can be painless and affordable. Another familiar struggle nonprofits face with retirement planning is the availability of funds that align with their ethical beliefs. Duncan Williams Asset Management will work with your needs and have the ability to exclude funds that do not align with the values of your nonprofit. We work with many nonprofits of varying sizes to help manage the future financial health of the organization as well as its employees. Duncan Williams Asset Management combines knowledge and experience to provide tailored financial advice to the service that would benefit your nonprofit the most.