Many nonprofit organizations have a cash reserve fund of which the primary objective is to take on limited risk. The secondary priority would be the amount of yield that fund is able to get. Considering these two concerns many nonprofits consider just two choices, they typically either put the money in a savings account which generates very little yield, or they can buy certificates of deposit (CDs) from a local bank. The shortcomings of both choices are typically low yields and an FDIC insurance of only up to $250,000. An additional problem with this way of managing a cash reserve account is the risk associated with holding all funds at one bank. The resources available to us at Duncan Williams Asset Management allow us to shop around many banks all over the nation to find the most competitive yields while also maintaining full FDIC insurance for clients invested in this program. We have seen increases in yield with our clients’ cash reserve funds while either maintaining or reducing the risk from a more comprehensive FDIC coverage. Our accredited staff can help your nonprofit organization make the most of its cash reserve account, giving you more resources to give back to the community.