The CEO/President of Data Facts, Daphne Large, got her start in the Consumer Reporting Industry as a high school student at the young age of 16, at Equifax Services. Daphne stated, “This line of work found me, and it’s been in my blood ever since.” In 1989, at age 27, she founded Data Facts. “I love the Consumer Reporting Industry, our exceptional team and helping our clients make sound hiring, lending and other business decisions. The role we play in helping a consumer purchase a home or helping them get a job is most rewarding.” Daphne attended the University of Memphis and Equifax Developmental School. She completed programs with Leadership Germantown, Leadership Memphis, and the Leadership Development Intensive through the New Memphis Institute. Daphne also holds a Private Investigator License for the Background Screening Division.
Taking an active role in corporate social responsibility initiatives around the Nation, Daphne is the 2017 Chair of the New Memphis Board of Trustees. She has held numerous offices with the National Consumer Reporting Agency, including President; is a member and sits on the Board of Directors of the Society of Entrepreneurs; A founding member of the Association of Professional Background Screeners; and is an Experian Partner Advisory Council Member. Data Facts also holds Local, State and National memberships with SHRM and MBA; is a member of CityCurrent, the Greater Memphis Chamber Chairman's Circle and the Germantown Area Chamber of Commerce. Daphne also serves on the boards of multiple non-profit organizations including: Make-A-Wish MidSouth - Board of Directors, Treasurer and Secretary and Executive Committee; St. George’s Independent School – Vice Chair Board of Trustees, Secretary and Executive Committee, Chair – School of Life; The University of Memphis- Leadership Educational and Development Board; Youth Villages – Leadership Advisory Committee; and the Jr. League of Memphis- Leadership Advisory Council.
Daphne is passionate about serving her community and others. She believes that we are called upon to do all that we can; for all that, we can for as long as we can. The Data Facts Give Back Campaign is one way that helps us achieve that. We believe it is our responsibility to be good community partners in all the communities we serve coast to coast.
In 2013, Memphis Business Quarterly named Daphne the CEO of the Year. Through Daphne’s effective leadership, the Commercial Appeal named Data Facts as a Top Work Place in 2016, 2015, 2014 and 2013. Data Facts also brought home a Top Communications Award in 2013. Memphis Business Journal also named Data Facts as the Top Woman-Owned Business in 2016, 2015, 2014, and 2013.
In her personal life – Daphne enjoys domestic and international travel with her family and spending time at their home in Clearwater Beach, Florida. She wants her family to experience as much of this great big wonderful world and all the different cultures, people, and terrain as possible. Travel is so educational and rewarding. Her family loves dogs and has currently adopted three rescues, each one is truly a part of the family. She is an avid reader of business books and periodicals, National Geographic, Travel Guides and particularly enjoys intriguing mysteries and adventure fiction. She is likely to be found reading books pertaining to any subject from seashells, dogs, castles, psychology, exotic cars, and medical breakthroughs. Her advice is to Never Stop Learning!
Congratulations Daphne on being selected DWAM’s Community Great Performer for June 2019.